Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Defense

Today it's very easy for any law abiding citizen to be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. The legal definition of alcohol impairment is a blood alcohol count (BAC) of .08 to a BAC of .10. This limit is low enough so that you could be legally impaired after only two drinks.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN ARRESTED, Now is the time to call for legal representation. Don't wait until just a few days before your court date to call. Call as soon as possible so that we can fully prepare your case and represent you in court. Don't delay.

Officers often conduct so-called "field sobriety tests" on motorists. These tests are difficult to pass even when completely sober. In fact, these tests are designed so that you will fail them, even if you are sober!

Many years ago, a law school professor gave his students some of the standard field sobriety tests. Most of the students failed. Why? Because the tests are meant to be failed. For example, when the professor told the students to touch the tip of a finger to the tip of the nose, many students touched their noses, but did not use the tip of the finger to do so. Under the field sobriety test rules, that is a "failed test."

Furthermore, the breath test that officers use to detect the amount of alcohol in the blood is not always accurate. In fact, if two people consume the same amount of alcohol at the same time and take the breath test side by side, the results will vary depending upon the weight, health and sex of the individuals, as well as other factors.

That's why it is important to understand your rights if you are arrested for DUI in Pennsylvania.

Call today to schedule a Legal Strategy Session on your DUI Case.


About Christopher Hemmel

Christopher Hemmel has been a licensed attorney since 1992. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Eastern University in Saint Davids, Pennsylvania and earned his law degree from Widener University School of Law in Wilmington, Delaware. He practices exclusively in the field of criminal law and DUI law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.